Friday, May 06, 2005


I will review the books on this list as time goes by. Mostly I will put books I've read and that are science related but that anyone can read... Sometimes I might put some booksI haven't read but would like to, and others I'll put books I am reading at the time.
So, my first list:

  • Dragons of Eden, Carl Sagan.
  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennet.

General Science

  • Broca's Brain, Carl Sagan
  • Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan


  • A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
  • Hyperspace, Michio Kaku


  • Journey into Genius, William Dunham


  • El Cocinero Científico, Diego Golombek

Science Fiction:

  • Timeline, Michael Crichton
  • Fantastic Voyage 2, Isaac Asimov
  • The Gods Themselves, Isaac Asimov
  • Martian Time Slip, Philip K. Dick
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could have included some of Paul Davies as well.