Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Alejandro Solernó

Cover Work

Tuesday 29/5/07 Period 5&6 – Physics Yr10 – Room D1

Read the chapter on Electric Current. Do the exercises at the end of the chapter.

Thank You!

Alejandro Solernó

Cover Work

Tuesday 29/5/07 Period 3&4 – Science Yr8 – Room D1

Finish reading the chapter on Covalent Bonding. Do the exercises throughout the chapter.

Thank You!

Alejandro Solernó

Cover Work

Tuesday 29/5/07 Period 2 – Physics Yr9 – Room D2

Read Chapter on Velocity and Acceleration. Do the exercises at the end of the chapter

Thank You!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Large Hadron Collider

There is a great article on the New York Times about the LHC particle accelerator being built in Geneva, at the CERN facility.
Here's the link.
Please let me know if you can view it.